The snake morphism and long exact sequences

Jeffery MensahNovember 20, 2024∼2000 words

The snake lemma is a fundamental tool of homological algebra which is primarily used in the construction of the homology long exact sequence. It's proof, like many others in homological algebra, is an exercise in diagram chasing. Although simple, the act of diagram chasing does not immediately give insight into why the snake lemma must be true. In this post, we aim to make the snake lemma more apparent and clarify its application to the long exact sequence.


For simplicity, we will work in the category Ab\mathbf{Ab} of abelian groups, although the result holds more generally for any abelian category. Recall that a (finite) chain complex is a sequence

A0ϕ0A1ϕ1ϕn2An1ϕn1AnA_0 \overset{\phi_0}{\longrightarrow} A_1 \overset{\phi_1}{\longrightarrow} \cdots \overset{\phi_{n-2}}{\longrightarrow} A_{n-1} \overset{\phi_{n-1}}{\longrightarrow} A_n

of abelian groups and morphisms such that the composition of consecutive morphisms is zero. In particular, this implies that the image of one morphism is contained in the kernel of the subsequent morphism. The sequence is called exact if for each kk, we have imϕk=kerϕk+1\operatorname{im} \phi_k = \ker \phi_{k+1}. A short exact sequence is an exact sequence of the form 0ABC00 \to A \to B \to C \to 0, the data of which is equivalent to stating that

  1. AA is a subobject of BB and
  2. CC is the corresponding quotient object of BB, that is, CB/AC \cong B/A.

In other words, a short exact sequence is really just a way to "decompose" BB into two related pieces. A simple example of this that we will use to build intuition is the sequence 0ZRS100 \to \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{S}^{1} \to \mathbb{0}, illustrated below.

Throughout this post, we will be making use of "extension and contraction" identities to avoid dealing with chasing individual elements. In particular, let ϕ ⁣:GH\phi \colon G \to H be a homomorphism of abelian groups. Then

  • ϕ(ϕ1(T))=imϕT\phi(\phi^{-1}(T)) = \operatorname{im} \phi \cap T for any subgroup THT \leq H, and
  • ϕ1(ϕ(S))=S+kerϕ\phi^{-1}(\phi(S))= S + \ker \phi for any subgroup SGS \leq G.

The Snake Morphism

Let B1B_1 and B2B_2 be abelian groups. For each i{1,2}i \in \{1, 2\}, let AiBiA_i \leq B_i be a subobject of BiB_i, and Ci=Bi/AiC_i = B_i / A_i be the corresponding quotient object. Suppose that ψ ⁣:B1B2\psi \colon B_1 \to B_2 is a morphism which "respects the decomposition" of each BiB_i, meaning that ψ\psi maps A1A_1 to A2A_2, so that it also induces a map between C1C_1 and C2C_2. In our example, we may take Bi=RB_i = \mathbb{R} and consider the "multiplication-by-nn" map n× ⁣:RRn_{\times} \colon \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}. This gives us a commutative diagram

0ZRS10 n×n×n× 0ZRS10.\begin{CD} 0 @>>> \mathbb{Z} @>>> \mathbb{R} @>>> \mathbb{S}^1 @>>> 0 \\ @. @Vn_{\times}VV @Vn_{\times}VV @Vn_{\times}VV @. \\ 0 @>>> \mathbb{Z} @>>> \mathbb{R} @>>> \mathbb{S}^1 @>>> 0 \end{CD} \quad.

A natural question is to ask how these three multiplication maps relate to each other. Note that while the middle map is an isomorphism, the left map is only injective and the right map is only surjective. The deviation from being an isomorphism is can therefore measured by the cokernel coker(n× ⁣:ZZ)\operatorname{coker} (n_\times \colon \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}) and the kernel ker(n× ⁣:S1S1)\ker(n_\times \colon \mathbb{S}^1 \to \mathbb{S}^1). We may relabel the top sequence, replacing the left multiplication map by an inclusion ι\iota as follows:

0nZRR/nZ0 ιπ 0ZRR/Z0.\begin{CD} 0 @>>> n\mathbb{Z} @>>> \mathbb{R} @>>> \mathbb{R}/n\mathbb{Z} @>>> 0 \\ @. @V{\iota}VV @| @V{\pi}VV @. \\ 0 @>>> \mathbb{Z} @>>> \mathbb{R} @>>> \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z} @>>> 0 \end{CD} \quad.

Since Z\mathbb{Z} corresponds to the zero subgroup in R/Z\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}, the kernel of π\pi is what you get if you pull back (since the middle map is the identity, this isn't strictly necessary) the "larger" group Z\mathbb{Z} up into R\mathbb{R} and then quotient by the "smaller" group nZn\mathbb{Z}. It's clear this does not depend on the ambient group; for example, we obtain the same kernel if we replace R\mathbb{R} by Z\mathbb{Z} in the above diagram. To summarize, ker(n× ⁣:S1S1)coker(n× ⁣:ZZ)\ker(n_\times \colon \mathbb{S}^1 \to \mathbb{S}^1) \cong \operatorname{coker} (n_\times \colon \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}), which means the deviations of the left and right maps from being isomorphisms are in some sense "the same". One of the assertions of the Snake Lemma is that in such a situation, there is always a connection between the cokernel and kernel, given by a map known as the snake morphism.

To show how this arises, we state a lemma which captures the ideas discussed for the example given earlier.

Lemma. For i{1,2}i \in \{1, 2\}, let BiB_i be an abelian group, and AiBiA_i \leq B_i be a subgroup. If ϕ ⁣:B1B2\phi \colon B_1 \to B_2 is a homomorphism which also maps A1A_1 to A2A_2, then ϕ\phi induces a homomorphism B1/A1B2/A2B_1/A_1 \to B_2/A_2 such that the diagram

0A1B1B1/A10 ϕ 0A2B2B2/A20\begin{CD} 0 @>>> A_1 @>>> B_1 @>>> B_1/A_1 @>>> 0 \\ @. @VVV @V{\phi}VV @VVV @. \\ 0 @>>> A_2 @>>> B_2 @>>> B_2/A_2 @>>> 0 \end{CD}

commutes. Furthermore, ker(B1/A1B2/A2)=ϕ1(A2)/A1.\ker (B_1/A_1 \to B_2/A_2) = \phi^{-1}(A_2)/A_1.

Reapplying the first part of this lemma to the map ϕ1(A2)ϕA2\phi^{-1}(A_2) \overset{\phi}{\to} A_2, which carries A1A_1 to ϕ(A1)\phi(A_1), we obtain a map

δ ⁣:ker(B1/A1B2/A2)coker(A1A2);[b]A1[ϕ(b)]ϕ(A1),\delta \colon \ker(B_1/A_1 \to B_2/A_2) \to \operatorname{coker}(A_1 \to A_2); \quad \quad [b]_{A_1} \longmapsto [\phi(b)]_{\phi(A_1)},

where the notation []H[\cdot]_H means the equivalence class of an element in the quotient by a subgroup HH. Note that δ\delta is not just the restriction of the induced map on the right, which would take [b]A1[ϕ(b)]A2[b]_{A_1} \to [\phi(b)]_{A_2}. This is just the zero map!

In other words, δ\delta is much like the map induced by ϕ\phi, but in some sense "preserves" as much information as the original map ϕ\phi will allow. For example, if ϕ\phi is an isomorphism, then δ\delta is also an isomorphism, whereas the induced map on the quotients may not be. This notion is formalized by the second assertion of the Snake Lemma, which states that the kernels and cokernels of the maps induced by ϕ\phi join to form an exact sequence.

The Snake Lemma

We now state and prove the complete Snake Lemma.

Theorem. Consider a commutative diagram of abelian groups

A1ι1B1π1C10 αβγ0A2ι2B2π2C2.\begin{CD} @. A_1 @>\iota_1>> B_1 @>\pi_1>> C_1 @>>> 0 \\ @. @VV\alpha V @VV\beta V @VV\gamma V \\ 0 @>>> A_2 @>\iota_2>> B_2 @>\pi_2>> C_2 \end{CD} \quad.

If the rows are exact, then the diagram extends to a commutative diagram

where +ι1\overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_1} and +ι2\overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_2} are the maps induced by ι\iota, and +π1\overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_1}, and +π2\overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_2} are the maps induced by π\pi. Moreover, there exists a natural homomorphism δ ⁣:kerγcokerα\delta \colon \ker \gamma \to \operatorname{coker} \alpha such that

kerα+ι1kerβ+π1kerγδcokerα+ι2cokerβ+π2cokerγ\ker \alpha \overset{\overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_1}}{\longrightarrow} \ker \beta \overset{\overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_1}}{\longrightarrow} \ker \gamma \overset{\delta}{\longrightarrow} \operatorname{coker} \alpha \overset{\overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_2}}{\longrightarrow} \operatorname{coker} \beta \overset{\overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_2}}{\longrightarrow} \operatorname{coker} \gamma

is an exact sequence.

Proof. We first show that the sequence is exact at the kernel and cokernel of β\beta.

  1. To show exactness at kerβ\ker \beta, note that we may write ker+π1=kerπ1kerβ\ker \overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_1} = \ker \pi_1 \cap \ker \beta. However, by exactness, we have kerπ1=imι1\ker \pi_1 = \operatorname{im} \iota_1, which implies

    imι1kerβ=ι1(ι11(kerβ))=ι1(ker(βι1))=ι1(ker(ι2α))=ι1(kerα),\operatorname{im} \iota_1 \cap \ker \beta = \iota_1 (\iota_1^{-1} (\ker \beta)) =\iota_1(\ker (\beta \circ\iota_1)) = \iota_1(\ker (\iota_2 \circ \alpha)) = \iota_1(\ker\alpha),

    so ker+π1=im+ι1\ker \overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_1} = \operatorname{im} \overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_1}.

  2. To show exactness at cokerβ\operatorname{coker} \beta, note that kerπ2=imι2\ker \pi_2 = \operatorname{im} \iota_2, which implies

    ker+π2=π21(imγ)imβ=π21(im(γπ1))imβ=π21(im(π2β))imβ=imβ+kerπ2imβ=imβ+imι2imβ=im+ι2.\ker \overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_2} = \frac{\pi_2^{-1} (\operatorname{im} \gamma)}{\operatorname{im} \beta} = \frac{\pi_2^{-1} (\operatorname{im} (\gamma \circ \pi_1))}{\operatorname{im} \beta} = \frac{\pi_2^{-1} (\operatorname{im} (\pi_2 \circ \beta))}{\operatorname{im} \beta} = \frac{\operatorname{im} \beta + \ker \pi_2}{\operatorname{im} \beta} = \frac{\operatorname{im} \beta + \operatorname{im} \iota_2}{\operatorname{im} \beta} = \operatorname{im} \overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_2}.

We now construct the connecting homomorphism δ\delta. Since π1\pi_1 is surjective, the image of γ\gamma is contained in the image of π2\pi_2, which means we may as well replace C2C_2 with B2/A2B_2/A_2 without disturbing kerγ\ker \gamma. Therefore, we may apply the previous lemma to the diagram

A1B1B1/ι1(A1)0 0A2B2B2/A2,\begin{CD} @. A_1 @>>> B_1 @>>> B_1/\iota_1(A_1) @>>> 0 \\ @. @VVV @VVV @VVV @. \\ 0 @>>> A_2 @>>> B_2 @>>> B_2/A_2 \end{CD}\quad,

which yields kerγ=β1(A2)/ι1(A1)\ker \gamma = \beta^{-1}(A_2)/\iota_1(A_1), viewing A2A_2 as a subgroup of B2B_2. Furthermore, the map β1(A2)A2\beta^{-1}(A_2) \to A_2 takes ι1(A1)\iota_1(A_1) to A2A_2, which yields the connecting homomorphism δ ⁣:kerγcokerα\delta \colon \ker \gamma \to \operatorname{coker} \alpha. We now show that the sequence is exact at kerγ\ker \gamma and cokerα\operatorname{coker} \alpha.

  1. To show the sequence is exact at kerγ\ker \gamma, we use the lemma once more and write

    kerδ=β1( ⁣im(ι2α))imι1=β1( ⁣im(βι1))imι1=imι1+kerβimι1=im+π1.\ker \delta = \frac{\beta^{-1}\big(\!\operatorname{im} (\iota_2 \circ \alpha)\big)}{\operatorname{im} \iota_1} = \frac{\beta^{-1}\big(\!\operatorname{im} (\beta \circ \iota_1)\big)}{\operatorname{im} \iota_1} = \frac{\operatorname{im}\iota_1 + \ker \beta}{\operatorname{im} \iota_1} = \operatorname{im}\overline{\vphantom{+}\pi_1}.
  2. To show that the sequence is exact at cokerα\operatorname{coker} \alpha, we apply the lemma again, which yields

    ker+ι2=ι21(imβ)imα=imβA2imα=β(β1(A2))imα=imδ.\ker \overline{\vphantom{+}\iota_2} = \frac{\iota_2^{-1}(\operatorname{im} \beta)}{\operatorname{im} \alpha} = \frac{\operatorname{im} \beta \cap A_2}{\operatorname{im} \alpha} = \frac{\beta(\beta^{-1} (A_2))}{\operatorname{im}\alpha} = \operatorname{im} \delta.


The Homology Long Exact Sequence

The most well-known application of the snake lemma is in the construction of the homology long exact sequence. We will demonstrate how the long exact sequence arises and give a explicit description of the connecting homomorphism for one such example, the Mayer-Vietoris sequence.

Let 0ABC00 \to \mathcal{A}_\bullet \to \mathcal{B}_\bullet \to \mathcal{C}_\bullet \to 0 be a short exact sequence of chain complexes. Taking classes of homologous chains (not just cycles) and considering the boundary operator yields the diagram

0Animn+1Bnimn+1Cnimn+10 nAnBnC 0kernAkernBkernC0.\begin{CD} 0 @>>> \frac{\mathcal{A}_{n}}{\operatorname{im} \partial_{n+1}} @>>> \frac{\mathcal{B}_n}{\operatorname{im} \partial_{n+1}} @>>> \frac{\mathcal{C}_n}{\operatorname{im} \partial_{n+1}} @>>> 0 \\ @. @V\partial^\mathcal{A}_nVV @V\partial^\mathcal{B}_nVV @V\partial^\mathcal{C}_nVV @. \\ 0 @>>> \ker\, \partial^\mathcal{A}_n @>>> \ker\, \partial^\mathcal{B}_n @>>> \ker\, \partial^\mathcal{C}_n @>>> 0 \end{CD} \quad.

Applying the snake lemma yields the desired long exact sequence:

The interpretation of the connecting homomorphism depends on the specific long exact sequence. For example, in the relative homology long exact sequence associated to a pair (X,A)Top2(X, A) \in \mathbf{Top}_2, the connecting homomorphism is the normal boundary map, but not viewed "relative" to AA (for this would be too "destructive" and result in the zero map).

Example (The Mayer-Vietoris sequence).

Let XX be a topological space, and let UU and VV be subsets whose interiors cover XX. Then we obtain a short exact sequence

0S(UV)S(U)S(V)S{U,V}(X)0,0 \longrightarrow \mathcal{S}_\bullet(U \cap V) \longrightarrow \mathcal{S}_\bullet(U) \oplus \mathcal{S}_\bullet(V) \to \mathcal{S}^{\{U, V\}}_\bullet(X) \longrightarrow 0,

where S\mathcal{S}_\bullet is the singular chain complex functor and S{U,V}(X)\mathcal{S}^{\{U, V\}}_\bullet(X) are the chains of simplices inhabiting either UU or VV. Then we may apply the lemma to obtain

Hn{U,V}(X)[a][b][a]=[b][c][c],\mathrm{H}_{n}^{\{U, V\}} (X) \cong \frac{\big\langle [a] \oplus [b] \mid \partial [a] = \partial [b] \big\rangle}{\big\langle [c] \oplus [c] \big\rangle},

where [][\cdot] denotes the homology class of a chain (not necessarily a cycle) in Sn(UV)\mathcal{S}_n(U \cap V). In other words, an element of the homology group is represented by a chain in UU and a chain in VV such that their boundaries agree and reside in the intersection. In particular, this implies that the difference of the two chains is a cycle. The connecting homomorphism is given by

δn ⁣:Hn{U,V}(X)Hn1(UV);[[a][b]][[a]],\delta_n \colon \mathrm{H}^{\{U, V\}}_n(X) \to \mathrm{H}_{n-1}(U \cap V); \quad \quad \big[[a] \oplus [b]\big] \longmapsto \big[\partial[a]\big],

which takes the boundary of either chain, which is a cycle in UVU \cap V.